Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Interaction with the Holy Spirit

Interaction/Communion with the Holy Spirit

As the Mighty River of God flowing through us, as long as we do not Quench the Holy Spirit through sins of Omission, or Grieve the Holy Spirit through sins of Commission, but instead remain fully yielded, He will continue to flow through us unabated as we by faith expect Him to fill us and accomplish His work through us. Trusting/Faith is simple communion with Him, expecting Him to speak with us communicating the Will of God moment by moment with His 'Still small voice'!
  I. QUENCHING THE HOLY SPIRIT (I Thessalonians 5:16-19)
     A. By Not Rejoicing/Praising God (v.16)
     B. By Not Praying/Interceding w/o Ceasing (v.17)
     C. By Not Giving Thanks in Everything (v.18)
     D. By Not Supporting Preaching/Prophesying (v.20)
     E. By Not Proving All Things/Evaluating/Testing Spiritual Inputs of Life (v.21)
     F. By Not Abstaining from All Appearance of Evil (v.22)
 II. GRIEVING THE HOLY SPIRIT (Ephesians 4:25-30)
     A. Lying to Others/Dishonesty (v.25)
     B. Giving Place to the Devil (v.27)
     C. Corrupt Communication/Evil Speaking (v.29)
     D. Anger, Wrath, Bitterness, Clamor (v.31)
     A. Satan is the Source (v.3)
     B. Pre-Meditated/Planned (v.4)
 V. 18 WORKS OF THE FLESH (Galatians 5:19-21)
    A. Immorality
          1. Adultery-Commiting Sex Sins after Marriage
          2. Fornication-Commiting Sex Sins Before Marriage
          3. Uncleanness-Impure Thinking, Evil Thoughts, Desiring the Immoral
     B. Idolatry
1.       Idolatry-Replacing God through Inordinate Desire for 'Stuff',
       Worshipping the Temporal by Dedicating Time, Talent, Treasure
       2.    Witchcraft-Using Substances to Alter the Mind, Any Mind Altering Activity, Occult Activity, Magical Arts
     C. Intolerance
          1. Hatred-Harboring Dark Ugly Feelings of Bitterness or Contempt
          2. Variance-Causing Discord w/Desire for Attention
          3. Emulations-Having Inner Feelings of Resentment
          4. Wrath-Demonstrating Impulsive Outbursts of Rage Resulting in An Abiding Settled Attitude of Anger
          5. Strife-Displaying Attitudes of Self-Seeking Rivalry, Actions of Selfish Ambition for Pay, Reward of Self-Glory
          6. Seditions-Dividing or Splitting in Two or More Pieces
          7. Heresies-Creating a Party Spirit, Picking and Choosing What You Want to Believe
          8. Envyings-Having Inner Discontent with Another's Success, A Grudging Spirit
          9. Murders-Taking Another's Life
     D. Intemperance
          1.  Drunkenness-Bringing Yourself under the Influence or Control of Alcohol/Substance
2.       Revelings-Indulging in Sensual Escapism, Inordinate, Immoral Desire to Satisfy the Senses/Lusts through
       Touching, Seeing, Hearing
3.    And Such Like-Carousings, Practicing an Ungodly Lifestyle, Partying, Useless Spending of Life/Time,
       Flesh Feeding Frenzy/Entertainment Self-Indulgence Mentality
1. Love-Show’g Strong Affection thru Self-Giving Sacrif’l Actions, Uncondit’l Acceptnce/ Lovely/Unlovely (No Hate!)
          2. Joy-Demonstrating Outwardly Attitude of Bliss/Happiness-(No Sadness!)
          3. Peace-Living in a State of Quiet, Calm, Serene Confidence in God-(No Worries!)
          4. Longsuffering-Having the Attitude of Refusing to Return Harmful Words/Actions-(No Slandering!)
          5. Gentleness-Showing Kindness to Others thru Actions-(No Harshness!)
          6. Goodness-Displaying Right & Honest Motives by Actions-(No Wickedness!)
          7. Faith-Placing Full Trust in God...Regardless!-(No Fearing!)
          8. Meekness-Bearing a Humble, Lowly, Selfless Attitude w/Controlled Strength-(No Pride!)
          9. Temperance-Living in Moderation w/Self under the Holy Spirit's Control-(No Excesses!)

Chaplain LEWolfe  www.btmi.org  I-85 Exit 35 SC   McPilot    Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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