Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fruit of the Spirit


1. Love: Agape/supernatural/ sacrificial actions toward an imperfect person w/o expecting return
               Storgos: Parental affection
               Phileo: Brotherly kindness
               Eros: Lustful emotion

2. Joy: Outward expression of bliss (Nehemiah 8:10- The Joy of the Lord is your strength

3. Peace: State of quiet, calm, confident serenity-No Worries!

4. Longsuffering: Attitude of refusing to return harmful words or actions given you by another

5. Gentleness: Kindness to others shown through actions

6. Goodness: Display of right and honest motives

7. Faith: Full trust in God-Regardless!

8. Meekness: Humble, lowly, unselfish, controlled strength

9. Temperance: Moderation in all things, self control

                                  FIVE FRUITS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT

1. Communication: (John 15:5) He that abides in Me and I in you, the same brings forth much fruit...

2. Character: (Romans 6:22) Fruit unto Holiness...

3. Conduct: (Galatians 5:22,23) Fruit of the Spirit...

4. Converts: (John 15:16) Go and bring forth fruit...

5. Conversation: (Hebrews 13:15) Fruit of our lips...

Chaplain LEWolfe  www.btmi.org  I-85 Exit 35 SC   McPilot    Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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